Monday, March 3, 2008

Baby Smacks Train Tracks

I found myself laughing with horror yesterday at a news article I came across detailing the unusual birth of an Indian baby, in Ahmedabad.

"Pregnant woman uses train toilet, baby slips out"

Supposedly, the new mother didn't immediately realize her 2 month premature baby had fallen from the train toilet onto the tracks because she lost consciousness immediately after its birth and didn't regain it for several minutes.

Luckily the baby was miraculously somehow unharmed by the fall and was later discovered "on a pile of pebbles" by employees of a railroad station down the tracks.

My friend Sarah scoffed when she heard the tale. "That's obviously a lie," she declared. "She probably did it on purpose, like that high school girl that had her baby in the women's bathroom at her school and then left it in the garbage can."

Somehow, I have a hard time believing this. The woman did, after all, alert her family members once she came to, who stopped the train and began an immediate search of the tracks.

Still, it's hard for me to believe she didn't notice say her water breaking, or the feeling of a 5 lb object popping out of her. Perhaps the lesson to be learned here isn't one of responsible parenting, but awareness of one's body. I hope fervently that if I ever became preggers, I will notice the arrival of my new son or daughter, whether or not I am on a train in India.

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